VABKoopman Genk official

VABKoopman Genk official

01 October 2021

From the beginning of 2021, the forces of VAB and Koopman have joined forces to offer a total solution for young used, ex-lease or rental cars thanks to the 'one stop solution' principle. As of 1 October 2021, the VABKoopman compound in Genk is official!

Collaboration VAB and Koopman

For years VAB Fleet Services has been an important player on the Belgian market for remarketing services, pool management, recovery services, logistics, operational fleet management and related services. From conversations with current customers of VAB Fleet Services it appeared that they wished to outsource more operational and logistic activities and were looking for a 'one stop solution' for this. A solution needed expansion and a possible partner to switch quickly and still be able to offer the high quality that was expected. Koopman was the right party and after finding a suitable location, the concept of a 'one stop solution' started to take shape. 

VABKoopman Genk operational

As of 1 October 2021, all the hard work has been rewarded with a beautiful compound in Genk that offers a total solution for large-scale remarketing in Belgium. The target group for this new service package is very broad and ranges from OEMs, importers, dealers, lease and rental companies to companies with a large fleet of passenger cars, which increasingly want to outsource operational and logistical activities. The services include a combination of transporting cars, preparing new cars for delivery, short or long-term storage, remarketing ex-lease cars and fleet management.

The total solution for remarketing used, ex-lease or rental cars is unique for the Belgian automotive sector. The contribution of expertise in large-scale remarketing is a step forward in the current range of services on the Belgian fleet market.

Click here for more information about VABKoopman.