

  • Cargo Logistics & Automotive Logistics
  • 9 locations
  • The Netherlands, Germany & Belgium

Koopman locations

We offer complete logistics solutions in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany in the field of Cargo Logistics and Automotive Logistics. Koopman has 9 branches spread over the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany and together they form Koopman Logistics Group B.V. Commitment is what drives us. In all our companies our five commitments are central: customer first, reliability, cooperation, entrepreneurial and respect for people and environment. Thanks to our expert staff and our innovative and down-to-earth way of doing business, we offer a range of solutions for the logistics sector.

Automotive Logistics

Koopman Autotransport B.V. - Noordhorn

Van Starkenborghkanaal-nz 45

9804 PB Noordhorn

+31 (0) 594 509 509

Koopman Autotransport B.V. - Nijkerk

Galvanistraat 9b

3861 NJ Nijkerk

+31 (0) 33 247 8200

Koopman Exclusive

Galvanistraat 9b

3861 NJ Nijkerk

+31 (0) 33 2534 355

Koopman Chauffeursdiensten B.V.

Ruitenbeek 9
3881 LW Putten

+31 (0)33 - 247 82 70

Koopman Car Terminal B.V.

Maltaweg 3

1044 AH  Amsterdam


+31 (0) 20 506 1320

Koopman Truck & Trailer Service - Nijkerk

Galvanistraat 11b

3861 NJ  Nijkerk

+31 (0) 33 247 8281


Koopman Truck & Trailer Service - Noordhorn
Van Starkenborghkanaal-nz 45 

9804 PB Noordhorn

+31 (0) 594 509 567


Koopman Automotive Solutions B.V.
Leonard Langweg 5

6121 PA Born

+31 (0) 46 489 1515

Möhlmann Automobil-Logistik GmbH

Collsteder Damm 1

D-26340 Neuenburg

+49 (4452) 9116-0

Cargo Logistics

Koopman Cargo B.V.
Galvanistraat 9

3861 NJ Nijkerk

+31 (0) 33 245 5700

Koopman TransMission Noordhorn B.V.

Van Starkenborghkanaal-nz 45

9804 PB Noordhorn

+31 (0) 594 509 560

Koopman TransMission Bergen op Zoom B.V.
Klein Molenbeekseweg 10

4625 BW Bergen op Zoom

+31 (0) 164 273 332

Koopman Logistics Group B.V.

Lelystraat 2
9351 VE Leek


+31 (0)594 729 800